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Glossary of terms
Here is a practical glossary to exemplify and describe elements and functions which interact with Faster products.
A useful guide to introduce you to our world.
Threaded component of a quick release coupling whose function is to allow connection of the coupling to hydraulic system.
Adapters are characterised by different threads and shapes internationally standardised. (for instance DIN 24°, JIC 37°, ORB, ORFS, ...)
Numerical codes of back adaptor and thread are an important part of the Faster quick release coupling item code.
Air Inclusion
Air quantity that, being entrapped between the two valves during connection phase, is directly conveyed into the hydraulic plant.
Being air a compressible fluid, it is very important to reduce at minimum its presence in order to achieve a regular functioning of attachments without any slowing down or cavitation phenomena.
When Faster flat face quick release couplings are used, air inclusions (and oil spillage) during connection and disconnection are roughly absent.
Antiextrusion / back-up ring
Ring-shaped component made of PTFE with quadrilateral section to prevent the extrusion of O-ring seal from its groove when high pressures are reached; this by reducing the clearance between the components on which sealing action has to be achieved.
PTFE antiextrusion rings are usually suitable for that applications where pressure values exceed 10 Mpa (100 bar).
PTFE antiextrusion rings are a standard feature for Faster quick release couplings.
Safety feature according to ISO 5675 requirements.
This standard requires for agricultural machines that the automatic disconnection has to happen whenever, for any reason, an extreme pulling force is applied on the coupling itself (due, for instance, to detachment and dragging of the equipment from the tractor).
In such a way, hose breaking and the consequent oil leakage are prevented.
Phenomenon caused by the pressure inside of a quick release coupling.
Because of very high loads that are concentrated on mating points between balls and groove on male coupling, damages onto the groove itself and on the internal surface of the sleeve may occur.
In order to prevent this phenomenon, all Faster quick release female couplings have an higher number of retaining balls: in this way loads due to pressure inside are shared on an higher number of points, thus reducing the load for surface unit.
Furthermore, the groove for retaining balls on male coupling is induction hardened in order to increase the surface hardness of this area.
To increase also the resistance of the retaining sleeve, this component of female coupling is carbonitrided.
Chemical-thermal treatment whose aim is to give a great surface hardness of a component made in steel. This is obtained thanks to the enrichment of surface layer with Carbon and Nitrogen.
Connection Force
Value of the effort to perform the connection.
This value is always written in Faster catalogues within technical data tables and it is due to resistance to stand internal pressure (depending on the pushing section) and to compress the internal springs.
DN - Nominal Diameter
Dimension (in millimeters) of the nominal diameter of a quick release coupling, corresponding to the equivalent flow section.
Nominal Diameter is a very important datum which can be always found into Faster catalogues within technical data tables.
It is useful to choose the suitable coupling dimension to assure rated flow with specified pressure drops.
Double Action Sleeve
It is a special sleeve (with a double internal balls groove) especially designed to allow push-pull connection and disconnection. To connect you just push the male coupling into the female part. To perform disconnection you just need to pull the male coupling.
To achieve this kind of connection, the coupling has to be panel mounted by using seeger rings fixed onto the external grooves of the sleeve.
This particular system is named Push-Pull and aims to guarantee breakaway function.
Dust Protections
Accessories of the quick release couplings specifically designed to protect male and female parts from dirt and dust inclusions and from atmospheric agents.
A complete range of dust protections made in rubber, plastic and aluminium, manual and automatic is available on Faster catalogues for each product series.
Heat treatment used to increase the hardness of a steel component.
Embrittlement is the main disadvantage of hardening process: for this reason sometimes local hardening is the best choice, in order to focus hardening on a restricted area.
Local hardening is used by Faster to increase the resistance of balls racing area onto male couplings.
ISO Size
A dimensional number indicating the nominal size according to UNI-ISO 4397 standards.
Considering the table of this standard 1/4” Inch size is 6.3, 3/8" size is 10, 1/2” size is 12.5, and so on...
On Faster catalogues it is possible to find both dash size and ISO size.
Measurement instrument that, once fitted onto a part of the hydraulic circuit, allow to check the pressure level of the fluid.
Using traditional manometers it is anyway very difficult monitoring instantaneous pressure peaks.
Max. Working Pressure
Pressure level not to be exceeded for safety reasons.
Maximum working pressure derives from the minimum burst pressure applying a suitable safety factor (Faster suggests a 4:1 ratio).
Working pressure is obviously reported within technical data tables in Faster catalogues in order to help the choice of the right coupling for the considered application.
Min. Burst pressure
Pressure level at which the quick release coupling damages itself with the consequent loss of functional and safety features.
This value is obtained by carrying on burst test activities destroying samples in three situations: male disconnected, female disconnected, coupling connected.
The working pressure value descend by applying the safety factor, starting from the minimum burst pressure.
Within technical data tables on Faster catalogues are also written the three different values of burst pressures.
Min. Flow Section
Minimum value of the flow section measured in correspondence with the most narrow passage through the quick release coupling.
Chemical process occurring whenever a metal component is exposed to atmosphere for a lapse time.
Oxygen, being part of the atmosphere, combines with the surface layer of the component, changing its aspect and chemical structure.
The most advanced oxidation status is called red oxidation and it is often accompanied with corrosion phenomena.
In order to prevent oxidation, Faster quick release couplings are protected by zinc coating and passivation treatment; for particular applications special surface protection treatments are also available.
Peak Pressure
Pressure value that is reached in a very short time and in non steady state.
Anyway, it is very difficult to be detected by using standard manometers. Peak pressure influence is implicit in the suitable safety factor applied to working pressure.
Design trick whose aim is to prevent accidental hydraulic lines misalignment during connection.
It can be obtained by the alternate mounting of male and female couplings on the machine.
On Multifaster products, polarisation is obtained by the reference pins that are assembled onto the mobile part in particular positions.
Pressure Drop (Δp)
It is the difference between the pressure measured before and after an hydraulic component.
This value represents an efficiency parameter for a quick release coupling: on the same flow terms, an higher DP value is synonym of an higher loss of energy due to irregular flow through the coupling.
This parasitic energy is transformed into thermal energy which is no more available for the equipment.
Rated Flow
Quantity of fluid (measured in liters per minute) flowing through the quick release coupling associated with a pressure drop (DP) of 0.2 MPa.
Also this datum is written within the technical tables of Faster catalogues and it is also shown by logarithmic charts in order to have different values of the rated flow at different pressure drops.
Residual Pressure
It is due to the fluid entrapped into the quick release coupling or in the hoses before it, once that valves have been closed.
In case of lines exposed to the sun or to thermal sources, a residual pressure of 0.9 MPa generates for each Celsius degree of temperature increase.
Retaining Balls
Balls put on a circumference and equipping the female coupling.
Their function is to retain the male coupling into female once connection has been achieved.
Locking is complete when balls are on one side engaged onto the groove of the male coupling and on the other side they are blocked by the internal surface of the sleeve.
Safety Factor
Multiplying factor applied to working pressure in order to establish the safety working conditions of a quick release coupling.
On Faster products a safety factor 1:4 is commonly used: therefore, the recommended working pressure is the 25% of the minimal burst pressure.
The burst pressure is always determined by carrying out test activities at Faster laboratory in three typical situations: male coupling disconnected, female coupling disconnected, connected coupling.
Safety Sleeve
Auxiliary blocking sleeve acting as a safety device by locking the main sleeve in order to prevent accidental and unintentional disconnection due for instance to hoses vibrations.
In case of automatic intervention of the safety sleeve, it also indicates that fully connection has been achieved.
For disconnection it is necessary to perform two intentional movements: at first you have to act on auxiliary sleeve, then on the main one. In such a way, disconnection is surely voluntary.
Shore A
Scale indicating the hardness of an elastomer. This number is related to the resistance that the elastomer stands against the penetration by a probe.
The value of Shore A degrees ranges from 0 to 100. If values are closed to 100 it means that the elastomer is characterised by a great hardness.
Elastomeric seals equipping Faster quick release couplings have an hardness level from 70 to 90 °Sh. A.
A dimensional number indicating the nominal size of a quick release coupling.
On Faster catalogues size is usually reported in 16th part of an Inch (dash size).
For example, a quick release coupling 1/4” Inch has 04 size, a 3/8” Inch is 06 size, a 1/2” Inch is 08 and so on...
This datum, always reported within technical data tables, indicates the fluid volume (in cubic centimetres) being spilled from the quick release coupling during connection and disconnection.
Its value depends on the nominal size of the coupling itself and on the particular mushroom shape of sealing valves. Thanks to Faster flat face couplings spillage values are roughly of 0,01 cc.
Static Pressure
Pressure value in steady conditions, when it is constant or has little changes around its average.
Working condition when pressure is below the normal atmospheric one.
Faster quick release couplings are allowed to work also in vacuum conditions up to 711 mm/Hg.
One of the most important features of hydraulic fluid.
It is related with the fluid resistance (due to its chemical structure and physical properties) encountered passing through the quick release coupling.
The coefficient of viscosity increases when temperature level decreases.
Water Hammer
Shock wave, spreading through the whole circuit, provoked by a sudden change in the flow.
It can also be caused by a sudden shut off or flow deviation because of the working conditions of the plant and/or malfunctioning of a component.
The water hammer may cause serious damages to components of the circuit.
Zinc Coating
Surface treatment by electrolysis to protect the quick release couplings from corrosion phenomena.
All Faster quick-release couplings are at least protected with two different treatment:
1. Zinc coating (Cr III) Slightly iridescent greenish-white colour
2. Zink-Nickel coating (Zn-Ni) metal gray iridescent colour
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