Faster: die globale Referenz
für Hydraulikschnellkupplungen


Mittwoch, 3. Juli 2024
We’ve landed on Instagram!
Nothing travels Faster than News! And we have a special news for today: We’ve landed on Instagram! Follow our official page “Faster srl” (user: fastercouplings)! Follow us!  
Dienstag, 21. Februar 2023
Faster New Automated Warehouse
We are proud to announce the opening of Faster Automated Warehouse. Thanks to this investment we will be able to increase efficiency and pursue a quicker and easier service to win every logistic challenge.    
Dienstag, 8. Februar 2022
Faster ABC wins Systems & Components Trophy
We are extremely proud to announce that our concept Faster ABC – Always the Best Connection has been awarded as one of the winners of the Systems & Components Trophy as part of Agritechnica digital. Our project was selected between a shortlist of 20 ...
Alle Neuigkeiten und die Ereignisse > Newsletter subscription
Aug 22
Aug 24
Industrie InterFoundry
Coimbatore, India
Okt 22
Okt 25
Industrie Euroblech
Hannover, Germany
Okt 26
Okt 28
Landwirtschaft CIAME
WuHan, China
Nov 6
Nov 10
Landwirtschaft EIMA
Bologna, Italy
Alle Ereignisse >